Girls climbing on tree trunk

Christian Values Programme

Through our Values programme, we focus on one value every half term


Four Values given in relation to the school’s motto, “Semper Ardens;”

From August to October holiday: Co-operation 
From after October holiday to Christmas: Generosity 
From Christmas to Easter: Thankfulness 
From Easter to Summer: Hope 


Four Values corresponding with the text of “The Founding Principles of Rygaards School;”

From August to October holiday: Caring
From after October holiday to Christmas: Peace
From Christmas to Easter: Forgiveness
From Easter to Summer: Responsibility


Four of the Values corresponding with the text of the school’s logo;

From August to October holiday: Friendship
From after October holiday to Christmas: Joy
From Christmas to Easter: Commitment
From Easter to Summer: Trust


From August to October holiday: Respect (from Rygaards’ Founding Principles)
From after October holiday to Christmas: Truth (from Marie Eugenie’s philosophy of education)
From Christmas to Easter: Courage (from the School’s logo)
From Easter to Summer: Vision (from the school’s motto)